Saturday, July 17, 2010

a penny.

I went to bed mad last night, and despite a nights sleep I woke up mad.
Some people call it "waking up on the wrong side of the bed"- however, I slept on the couch last night.
Sleeping I think intensified my anger, frustration, and meanness.
Why you may ask. . . well I honestly don't have an answer.

I thought as the day went on things would get better. I was wrong.
The routine of daily chores and the urge to wash my car helped. . . and then it rained.
I love rain. Usually. Not today, not on sparkling clean car.
O well.  I had to work. I didn't want to.
Driving to work I had decided that sometimes it feels good to be mad.
I think I was just trying to clarify my actions.

At work everyone was kind of having a rough day.
Maybe it was in the air. Maybe it was just "One of THOSE days".
Doubt it.  I bet my actions carried over. Sorry.
It was hot, humid, and slow.
Saturdays are either really busy, or really slow. I can't decide which I like better.

I rotated out on my shift.
The guard in front of me looked over to me and said, "Hey look a lucky penny. Pick it up maybe your day will turn around?"
I picked it up, put it in my pocket.
I don't believe much in the luck of a penny.
I believe that people make their own luck.

Surprisingly though my day got better.
Maybe it is because I decided not to care.
I swam from one rotation to the other.
Water always seems to make me happy.
I laughed.
I felt carefree.
Did the penny really work?

I was scheduled to guard the pool rental tonight.
I didn't want to.
It was a family reunion. They are hard. There are always lots of people.
We closed public swim to clean.
I looked down and found another lucky penny.
I picked it up, put it in my pocket.

The party came.
It started raining again. I do enjoy the rain.
The group was calmer than usual.
I was thankful.
I think the pennies worked again.
I'm smiling. I feel better.

Thanks Pennies.

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